When the clock strikes midnight on January 1, works of art & culture from 1928 will enter the public domain in the US, meaning they can be remixed & reused in new creative works. And 1928 was a big year, thanks to a famous mouse...
Join our celebrations: https://blog.archive.org/2023/12/05/weird-tales-from-the-public-domain-freeing-culture-from-corporate-captivity/
Join our celebrations: https://blog.archive.org/2023/12/05/weird-tales-from-the-public-domain-freeing-culture-from-corporate-captivity/
New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, when?
Disney has been into some twisted eugenic / pederasty stuff since day 1.
and people make bad art outside of public domain works too, so it's something you'll have to deal with regardless