Ignorance can be overcome, stupidity can't. This is stupidity at an epic scale. Only cure for stupidity is death. Only hope is that many magats die before they procreate and pass their defective and degenerate genes along.
Maga has let a new low bar. I hope after 4 years (if he leaves office. I have my doubts that Heritage Foundation will ever leave voluntarily) there is still a small sliver of America left.
Grandma's hands clapped in church on Sunday morning...
The kid wants to know if everything is going to be okay. And grandma knows in ain't. But she says, baby grandma understands, put yourself in Jesus' hands. Grandma's hands.
The kid wants to know if everything is going to be okay. And grandma knows in ain't. But she says, baby grandma understands, put yourself in Jesus' hands. Grandma's hands.