It's a false choice. A middle-ground solution involves implementing balanced immigration policies that secure borders while allowing for controlled, humane entry processes and pathways to citizenship or legal status for those already contributing positively to society.
That's all just trying to dance around the fact that it's either legal for people to come and be here in large numbers or it isn't. And then you either enforce that or you don't. "Humane" and "balanced" is exactly the kind of buzzword obfuscation of that reality that's gotten us here.
The middle ground means creating clear, enforceable laws that allow for legal immigration in manageable numbers while also addressing those already here. It’s about structured, lawful policy—not unchecked entry or mass removals.
"manageable numbers" - and what arbitrary number are you going to pull out of a hat to determine that? And what are you going to do when it is, to a near certainty, vastly fewer than the actual demand?
What you're describing *is the status quo.* And it's the one that has produced millions of people in this country subject to deportation under the law as it stands.
Even if you got another amnesty of those already here (we've done it before) all you're doing is kicking the can down the road so that 20 years later we're right back to having millions of people here illegally and either you enforce that or you don't. There is no "humane" way to enforce it.