He’s so pathetic…this is the world he was instrumental in creating…fuck Mitch. He so desperately wants to leave this earth on a good note, but he’s already been the villain and he isn’t going to live long enough to become the hero.
Thank you. He isn't running again and knows his vote doesn't matter so he's happy to LOOK like opposition. If it were 50/50 and he was needed you better bet he'd be right in line.
He thought his legacy would be "strongest leader in Senate history." Now it's "guy who rendered the Senate redundant and paved the way for the destruction of the Republic."
If only, he could have grown a pair and chosen to find guilty at 1st
Or 2nd impeachment.
How different this world would be right now. Courage must be found in the most difficult of times because it can alter the trajectory of evil
He more than anyone else fucking got us here.
My brain is melting.
That did it. That was the straw.
If he was serious, he'd get enough votes to tank the nomination. He might not be leader, but he's not without influence.
He just wants his biographer to be able to whitewash the results of what he spent his lifetime working towards.
Mitch is craven and mendacious but not stupid.
This is purely so his grandkids can falsely say, "well actually, he opposed it at the end of his life."
Sure Jan
You're telling me that if McConnell were determined to stop this, he wouldn't have at least one favor to call in or threat to carry out?
He was the lone vote against because he wanted to the lone vote against.
Responding to your grandkids comment.
We are allies internet friend
The Senate leader has no influence on his fellows?
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Or 2nd impeachment.
How different this world would be right now. Courage must be found in the most difficult of times because it can alter the trajectory of evil