Owy, owy, ouch ouch! Just dropped a glass, went to catch it, smashes on the edge of the sink.
Alas, the momentum caused my hand to contact the large pointy sharp bit.
Luckily, not that deep. I’ll superglue it up, but ruined a good pair of washing up gloves! Sigh.
Alas, the momentum caused my hand to contact the large pointy sharp bit.
Luckily, not that deep. I’ll superglue it up, but ruined a good pair of washing up gloves! Sigh.
Washing up is bad for you 😂
Glued up nicely, but bruised and really tender. Also in one of those spots where you always catch it!
But if its superglue or stitches, I'm going the hospital for stitches.
I'm not rugged like you.
But to bed I go.
Nighty night and good luck!
Nighty night again.
Toodle pip.
Alas, that means I’ve got 2 holes in my washing up gloves!