Is this lawful? Why should I pay to watch amazon prime and still have to pay a tv license. Daylight fecking robbery on behalf of UK Red Tory Labour frcking party. I'm so fecking angry 😠 🤬
It's live streams that you can't watch. But anything that is a recording from a streaming service is fine, unless of course that streaming service is BBC iPlayer.
Not true. If it’s shown online only, providing its not a BBC production on iPlayer, you don’t require a tv licence
See section 7.1. So unless Prime, Netflix etc are also allowing broadcasters to concurrently show their output no licence is required.
This is nuanced as you can’t watch channels such as ITV1 live on ITVx (because ITV1 is broadcast which dates back to wireless telegraph legislation) but you can watch the FAST channels as this content isn’t concurrently broadcast; ie it’s not ‘wireless telegraph’ origin).
In what context are you talking about? Are you talking about watching live broadcast TV channels on YouTube or are you talking about any content online?
Live broadcast TV channels online.
Basically anything that is also broadcast.
It isn't how you happen to watch, it's all the ways it's how it's being disseminated at the time.
To keep it simple, this from TV Licensing:
Live broadcast TV channels. You or I can broadcast live and it would not count. As long as you stay away from the live material on any of the broadcast TV catch-up apps then you are okay.
Please read the section you're quoting - particularly with regard to "live or nearly live TV".
To legally watch without a licence you need to stream on demand & not live by any means.
Put simply: stay away from the "watch live" button.
It's not how you happen to access it, it's all the ways it's being disseminated.
So if you watch a TV programme on YouTube that's also being broadcast live in any other way that's "Live TV".
So stay away from any "watch live" option & keep yourself inside the law.
I've had endless arguments with folk who won't accept how draconian these regulations are - if you watch Youtube on your phone, you're supposed to have a TV license.
You need a TV licence to watch TV broadcast as live* or to use BBC iPlayer.
You do not need a TV licence to stream anything.
Some sites have a "watch live" facility for some channels or events.
Don't click the "watch live" bit.
Do you read? Strange question I know, but Vulture Capitalism by Grace Blakeley offers a great understanding of why things are so bad. Amazon get a special mention.
Updtate: it's now saved to my "to be bought" list.
To add to my "to be read" piles(s.) I'm not even ashamed 🤣 It's not hoarding when it's a library.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist is my recommended read, but I feel like I'm probably preaching to the choir here.
Its absurd isn't it. Even if not using their service you need to pay. Biggest con ever. Well maybe no between the rpyals an WM there's too many to recall
Technically there are live tv channels on Amazon Prime hence the mention. But having to pay a licence when you already pay for the streaming service is ridiculous
As usual, they can fruck off.
Very depressing that we've got to opt out annually.
I also dislike you must confirm you understand they can randomly "visit your house to check."
They can visit.
You don't get across my threshold without a warrant and Police Officers to enforce it.
I live in Scotland.
You don’t if you don’t watch the ‘live TV channels’ - you make a statement to say you don’t watch ‘live’ TV or iplayer then if you are caught watching them they can prosecute
Rips my knitting I've got to confirm this annually.
And the whole "we can knock on your door" mince can get frucked.
You don't get entertained at mine without a warrant toting police officer 🤣
It’s disgusting isn’t it, that’s because you can watch live football on prime even though it isn’t coming out of license fee money, I keep wondering when someone will challenge them in court about it
I had the guy at the door a Yr ago when I moved in to my new house. Brand new build. I told him he can take it and put it somewhere the sun don't shine. Fk all they can do
Cos sometimes you can watch a live show on it. I don't do tv - haven't paid the license in god knows how long. Not since long before indy, just because it was so generally awful.
Attached thread is a step by step guide not only to cancelling the TV Licence but dealing with any contact they make.
Note you blanked out your name. In reply as per attached refer to yourself as 'Occupier' and to delete your records as per GDPR regulation.
Hope this helps
I get letters from them all the time as cancelled the telly tax three years ago. They also sent me a letter telling me I’d signed in online - I hadn’t. Apparently this is a trick they use. I’d go to jail before I paid them a fucking penny.
You only need a licence to watch LIVE TV/shows or use iPlayer. Amazon broadcasts live football so if you use it for that then yes technically you need a licence but it is rather pathetic!
You need one if you watch anything that’s being broadcast live, regardless of the service (even foreign channels online). If you don’t watch live things like sport but just on demand streaming on Amazon prime you don’t need one.
Yeah it’s annoying and illogical. Why do I need to pay the BBC if I watch the Sanremo festival on the RAI website on my iPad? At least opting out is easy. I just told them I don’t watch tv (which is true; all I’ve watched the last year or so are Ted Lasso repeats and Foundation) and that was it
See section 7.1. So unless Prime, Netflix etc are also allowing broadcasters to concurrently show their output no licence is required.
Basically anything that is also broadcast.
It isn't how you happen to watch, it's all the ways it's how it's being disseminated at the time.
To keep it simple, this from TV Licensing:
To legally watch without a licence you need to stream on demand & not live by any means.
Put simply: stay away from the "watch live" button.
It's not how you happen to access it, it's all the ways it's being disseminated.
So if you watch a TV programme on YouTube that's also being broadcast live in any other way that's "Live TV".
So stay away from any "watch live" option & keep yourself inside the law.
You do not need a TV licence to stream anything.
Some sites have a "watch live" facility for some channels or events.
Don't click the "watch live" bit.
(*includes +1 channels)
This is a similar shorter article.
To add to my "to be read" piles(s.) I'm not even ashamed 🤣 It's not hoarding when it's a library.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist is my recommended read, but I feel like I'm probably preaching to the choir here.
In a moment of serendipity, bairn just watched the "Momazon" episode of Futurama.
Good written description here:
Wholly accurate to a scary degree.
Very depressing that we've got to opt out annually.
I also dislike you must confirm you understand they can randomly "visit your house to check."
They can visit.
You don't get across my threshold without a warrant and Police Officers to enforce it.
I live in Scotland.
I don't see why licence payers should fund streaming for people that do not contribute. Should they get it free while I have to pay for it?
And the whole "we can knock on your door" mince can get frucked.
You don't get entertained at mine without a warrant toting police officer 🤣
& yes no chance I’m answering the door to anyone not even the rozzers 🤣🤣
I just resent the annual bloody opting-out.
Note you blanked out your name. In reply as per attached refer to yourself as 'Occupier' and to delete your records as per GDPR regulation.
Hope this helps
Force us to opt-out annually.
The frucking BBC?
No better than Gbeebies.