“Cuties” is such a wonderful name for tinies.
Everyone wants to be cute deep down, and who better to reinforce that than a doting giantess who’ll take every chance she has to let you know?~
Everyone wants to be cute deep down, and who better to reinforce that than a doting giantess who’ll take every chance she has to let you know?~
Even, or especially, if her intentions immediately after are slightly less so.
I’ll just keep complimenting my cuties, never they mind my hand slowly bringing them lower down my body
Well I suppose she won’t mind staying down there for a bit, I’ll remember to take her out… probably.
Maybe after I have a little me time first~
I happen to be quite persuasive in adjusting the minds of my cute little collection
You’ll fit in quite nicely with the rest of my little cuties~
We’ll make you believe in your cuteness eventually