Okay, another question:
5 or 5.5?
5 or 5.5?
Reposted from
just chase
Alright, babes, I need your help. I finally want to make a dive into D&D. My partner plays, and he wants to teach me.
Tell me everything I need in this thread. Accessories, books, resources, everything! I want to be decked out!!!
Tell me everything I need in this thread. Accessories, books, resources, everything! I want to be decked out!!!
the DMG and MM are especially great!!
the new PHB is more of a balance patch than new rules, and imo does a great job of settling the power differences between spellcasters and martial classes
It’s what will get new exciting things and errata.
A lot of people are going to go with older editions out of nostalgia or attachment to specific rules that got nerfed or tweaked in ways they don't like.
My personal feelings is that base 2024 rules is more beginner friendly than base 2015