new investors financing earlier investors is the definition of a Ponzi scheme.
So he is not wrong to use that word.
The current funding model might not be sustainable and should be revised.
But, that isn’t the same thing as just cutting the program and its benefits.
There is a huge difference. No one is promised they will get back, much less what they contributed. You may not live long enough to get anything, or you may not live long enough to get as much as you contributed. In a Ponzi scheme, that's exactly what is promised, along with a crazy high ROI.
Social Security is not a pension. It is an insurance program (that's actually the title of the law - Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits.
I never said anything about changing the definition of a Ponzi scheme.
I’m not actually disagreeing with you.
We are playing semantics over the word Ponzi scheme.
People paid into SS they deserve and are entitled to their return. Insurance/pension - name doesn’t matter.
But I do believe the funding model needs to be adjusted.
So all of the money that was deducted from every one of our paychecks, all our working lives, to be held for our retirement, is going to be stolen from us because a Nazi says it's Ponzi scheme?
If this happens, I guarantee blood will run in our streets.
Honestly, I can't wait for this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to happen, but that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I am certain of it.
77 million Social Security recipients, Musk is saying he will take our paid for by us benefit. This will kill many of us through loss of income, homes, livelihood, and healthcare. I say it's time for us to get this POS removed from our country. Through removal by cops, military or the public! 🖕 musk
This seems important
Millions of your readers depend on Social Security
"For they intended evil against Americans and the world:they imagined a mischievous device,which they are not able to perform:"
🖤🇺🇸🤡(E.Musk&Co)"For the turning away of simple shall slay them,and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them."
Why is it that the most incompetent consultants (Musk) always go for cutting staff, slashing costs, across the board cuts.
It's the easiest thing to do short term. However, it has long term and far reaching side effects.
Eventually, it takes someone who really knows what they're doing to fix it.
They aren't trying to fix anything. They want to collapse the market, the economy. Then all the Billionaires come in, buy it up and privatize everything
Has anyone look at Elon Musk Tesla car completely it is actually shape like a Coffin, funeral homes should use a modified version of it with 1/10 of prices.
I've said this before if they take my SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, I will have nothing left to lose. And it's dangerous when people have nothing left to lose! Just saying!
CEO’s and insurance companies collect BILLIONS as a middle man between Americans and healthcare providers and that is EXACTLY what these blood suckers are trying to do with social security which is why healthcare costs the most and provides the least in the world
Watch this progression. There will be pushback to which he claims, “okay, well how about we invest this money and grow it.”
Which was the intent all along so that MASSIVE fees can be collected and investments in crypto
Yes he was. Even in Europe. Unmatched. A true legend. Politicians don't even come close with the language they use. None of them. Same for my country. But we should educate the new generation about his legacy. In a effin hurry.
Also...if he really believed that it was a ponzi scheme then dismantling is the worst thing because in every ponzi scheme the mark is the victim that loses their dismantling it will only hurt the victims.
Taxes are a Ponzi scheme. We pay for services, they cut services to give tax breaks to the top, and offer nothing but promises to the bottom. But Social Security is a Ponzi scheme we know, participate in, and love. Because in this scheme, even the bottom row gets a return.
That has been the long game of privateers, they want to get their greedy paws on Social Security. Their answer to a manufactured crisis is "privatize" with a major bear run from that cash infusion, then one final spectacular crash. There may not be a functional government to bail it out by then.
So he is not wrong to use that word.
The current funding model might not be sustainable and should be revised.
But, that isn’t the same thing as just cutting the program and its benefits.
It doesn’t change the definition of a Ponzi scheme.
I never said anything about changing the definition of a Ponzi scheme.
We are playing semantics over the word Ponzi scheme.
People paid into SS they deserve and are entitled to their return. Insurance/pension - name doesn’t matter.
But I do believe the funding model needs to be adjusted.
If this happens, I guarantee blood will run in our streets.
He doesn't view people as actual human beings, we're just numbers on a screen to him and his scumbucket cronies.
the world's greediest man
Make calls #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
Should work out really well.
This seems important
Millions of your readers depend on Social Security
#America #USA
"For they intended evil against Americans and the world:they imagined a mischievous device,which they are not able to perform:"
🖤🇺🇸🤡(E.Musk&Co)"For the turning away of simple shall slay them,and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them."
It's the easiest thing to do short term. However, it has long term and far reaching side effects.
Eventually, it takes someone who really knows what they're doing to fix it.
And where in the fuck is the media? Too scared or too in bed with the enemy.
Which was the intent all along so that MASSIVE fees can be collected and investments in crypto
If all those people started calling Congress and saying:
Congress would do it. They only fear one thing - losing the next election.
This may be a thing of the America that was.
or he may just be spouting more #WordSalad.
But the power of massive numbers of constituents ALL saying "Impeach him today" endlessly, will still put fear in the hearts members of Congress.
Who spend more of their waking hours thinking about THEIR next election.
Ponzi scheme? How about that slick SpaceX contract to upgrade the FAA computer systems after two weeks, no bid?
Are they going to use interns, like they did on DOGE?
No bid contracts used to be illegal.