This is a very good explanation of whats happening worldwide as we speak, every human on earth should watch and act on this. We dont have much time left to act. We will soon be surfs to musk & bezos if we dont.
I don't want their wealth. I'm pissed because they get to have all the basics without having to worry. That's what we all want and deserve. If they want to shit on a gold toilet as well, that's fine too. But until we are all guaranteed the same human rights,including healthcare,I won't be silent!
My ex used to always say that trope. Envious of what? Stuff and stuff? Superiority? Greed at the expense of the people? Way too much cosmetic surgery? Puleeze.
This is a very good explanation of whats happening worldwide as we speak, every human on earth should watch and act on this. We dont have much time left to act. We will soon be surfs to musk & bezos if we dont.