people have their gripes about them, but smt demon negotiations are actually the perfect gameplay system because jack frost can ask if you're afraid of him and when you tell him "no, you're the mascot," he's like, "damn right i am, i'm too cute to be a liability" and forces himself into your party
I lost it! 😆
It's basically mugging gods for pocket money
fundraise on issachar is messed up considering the situation but also really funny
Vanilla SMT5 I've straight up said nearly all the good writing in that game went into the demon conversations lol
i have not finished Vengeance but it seems to rely a lot on "we're interesting this time because of the curveballs"
i know
Regardless SMTV feels like a game that was trying to do the same thing Nocturne did in a lot of ways so by the end I just felt like I got...worse Nocturne
as is "most interesting character" by sheer dint of being the only one who undergoes any meaningful change
"Face Heel Turn" is a trope i usually hate tremendously but i have to give him points for execution
SMT5V's increasingly unfair Who's That Pokemon challenges are hilarious, more of that please.
"Is this Aquans or Aeros" is downright sublime, it's so rude.
And yeah, I lost my shit the first time that Who's That Pokemon shit cropped up for me in 5, truly unhinged, might be my favorite addition there ahaha.
SMTV/VV's though, that's wonderful.