One reason we’re in this mess is a chunk of voters don’t see politics as real. As if the consequences of voting are no greater than American Idol, and should be approached as a joke, or a low-impact way to bother people they find annoying.
Won’t learn unless they feel the consequences of the choice.
Won’t learn unless they feel the consequences of the choice.
This is about the rest of his 2024 voting coalition.
My faith in my fellow Americans is at an all-time low, so I'm not sure anymore what to expect.
But, it's still a choice to consume and believe that media and it's a choice to ignore the (glaringly) obvious intolerance (hatred?) being espoused and still vote for Trump.
I try to have empathy for those with views different from my own, but in this area, I have little.
This feels like we are letting 80m people knife the outlet while everyone else is forced to hold their hands.
Tariffs, prices, and the economy are the national equivalent of eating soap or touching a hot stove.
In a closely divided polity, that some doesn’t need to be especially large to make a difference.
Elections have to mean something, and that happens when the winning party passes laws and the people decide just how good and hard they want it.