Here-> http://www.hisutton.com/North-Korea-Nuclear-Submarine-OSINT.html
North Korea revealed its first nuclear submarine
Preliminary estimates, based on the known height of the North Korean leader (5' 7"), suggest that it is around 12.5m in diameter. So around 4 times larger than the country's current largest sub
Here-> http://www.hisutton.com/North-Korea-Nuclear-Submarine-OSINT.html
North Korea revealed its first nuclear submarine
Preliminary estimates, based on the known height of the North Korean leader (5' 7"), suggest that it is around 12.5m in diameter. So around 4 times larger than the country's current largest sub
Not a Chernobyl at sea, right?
Though often they smudge blur or apply pixel mosaic as to censor critical information such as specifications written out on panels, components on ships and so on and so forth.
This sub seems likely to end up like the Kursk.
Am I wrong?
Former is larger and latter smaller diameter while all nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines of China even smaller.
And firing all the missiles quickly is a very hard task, Russian once nearly lost a sub when they intend to do so in an exercise.
The hull diameter is similar to Vanguard for example
Their ICBM use solid fuel propellants and larger size than either Russian Topol-M and American Minuteman III thus possible DPRK could develop Trident SLBM equivalent.