Mark Twain on Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England 2 or 3 centuries ago when those people recognized that they really had something to be thankful for annually, not oftener, if they had succeeded in exterminating their neighbors, the Indians…
Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England 2 or 3 centuries ago when those people recognized that they really had something to be thankful for annually, not oftener, if they had succeeded in exterminating their neighbors, the Indians…
And in return the Pilgrim killed em
They call it it Thanksgiving, I call your holiday hellday
Cause I'm from poverty, neglected by the wealty
Thanksgiving Day became a habit, for the reason that in the course of time, as the years drifted on, it was perceived that the exterminating had ceased to be mutual & was all on the white man’s side.
The original reason for Thanksgiving Day has long ago ceased to exist.
The Indians have long ago been comprehensively & satisfactorily exterminated & the account closed with Heaven, with the thanks due.
And sin is resumed at the old stand.