Dear native Anglo Saxon speakers..
As a dimwitted Dutch bloke i need your help in finding the right words for:
Pathetic (but even stronger if possible)
Idiot (but not the kind sort, I mean the vile and evil mentally challenged)
I thank and salute you beforehand.
As a dimwitted Dutch bloke i need your help in finding the right words for:
Pathetic (but even stronger if possible)
Idiot (but not the kind sort, I mean the vile and evil mentally challenged)
I thank and salute you beforehand.
Idiot...stupid fucking cunt
Fucking is universal to make something fucking extra.
deplorable, rueful, lamentable, piteous and my personal favourite: wretched
(synonym search)
moron, clown, baffoon, joker, dim or halfwit and my madeup favourite: bongobrain
Second word, even stronger than idiot: