Depressing: Fossil fuel emissions projected to be almost 8% higher in 2024 than in 2015, the year the Paris climate agreement was signed.
you can pick what ever year you desire!
It looks to me like broken promises!
That's it!
The weight of the earth's atmosphere is 5.27 x 10 E15 tons.
Does it make any difference?
Work always requires energy. We get it from fossil fuels.
We can't quit the oil addiction that is destroying us.
Nature won't do it nicely.
On the bright side, it's probably still better than mantle-plume events or impacts, but the Stupid, it still hurts!
But the right thing needs to be done regardless of hope, optimism, pessimism or other feelings.
been following your work for a while david, appreciate it
Similar for batteries, EVs...
All not yet enough, so there is work to do!
They can set up tents on the beaches for the delegates and give them hand fans for cooling.
They might take it all a bit more seriously while sweating and watching the ocean waves crash nearby.
Nothing but blah blah blah!
The world needs to step up its game for climate action!