Hard to overstate how much of what they're doing is just indulging their many many grievances. They hate this because they know it's a record of human impact on CO2 and climate change, and they'll destroy it because they can, not because it's costing any measurable amount of money.
Remember when he didn’t want that cruise ship full of people sick with Covid-19 to dock because it would make the numbers go up. Oh and how he demanded testing stop ? This is that. If you don’t look for it, it’s not there ergo not a problem. He’s out of his goddamn mind.
Yes, and centerpiece of one of my favorite animations, showing CO2 record on multiple time scales, CO2 generation in Northern Hemisphere that then spreads, and seasonal “breathing” via NH plant growth. Mauna Loa = centerpiece, red dot. Thanks NOAA!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8KrgPPO1h0A
I'm certainly not defending the current funding cuts and outlook, but with wealth distribution so off scale, and many billionaires claiming to be concerned, is there a model for a private investment that would still pass muster scientifically?