The Roman salute. Educate yourself. Do you rly think that a man, whose formative years were spent as a beneficiary of Apartheid, would intentionally do a gesture that has been almost solely attributed to a racist/fascist/genocidal regime for the past 75 yrs? Based on how he runs X, I dn't think so 🥲
Yes. Because there's no such thing as "the Roman salute." It's not in any historical texts attributing it to the Romans, and was popularized by Gabriele d'Annunzio - which is where the Nazis got it.
And even still, the other name for it is the "fascist salute." So yes, I do.
When I originally wrote that, I thought "Yeah, this is fine. There's no way anyone will miss the sarcasm or my intention." But given that this IS the internet, I'm obliged to state clearly that Elon Musk is a white supremacist & I have no doubt that he intended to go full on neo nazi in that moment
And even still, the other name for it is the "fascist salute." So yes, I do.