#ALLST #🖖 #StarTrek
=ENT 3x8: Twilight=
Now THIS IS A STAR TREK EPISODE! The only way they could've made it cooler is if they "didn't understand why they keep treating areas of Archer's brain that were never infected" and deduced it from there.
"6,000 humans left" really did break my heart, too.
=ENT 3x8: Twilight=
Now THIS IS A STAR TREK EPISODE! The only way they could've made it cooler is if they "didn't understand why they keep treating areas of Archer's brain that were never infected" and deduced it from there.
"6,000 humans left" really did break my heart, too.
=ENT 3x9: North Star=
The 1800's-level Humans' oppression of the Skagarans was wrong--not bc the Humans' enslavement was "100s of yrs ago," but bc YOU DON'T OPPRESS A PEOPLE--esp. not for the crimes of others of their "kind"!!
=ENT 3x10: Similitude=
This was a heavy, HEAVY ep...good God.
I kept thinking they'd let Sim live after they realized they couldn't pull the trigger. But what's at stake, what not having the "real" Trip risks...
I don't think I could make that call. But I get why Archer did.
=ENT 3x11: Carpenter Street=
Funny, I first thought this was the 70's/80's. The 00's really were a long time ago.
Archer ordering @ the drive-thru made my night lol
The Xindi didn't really need to set up this whole elaborate scheme just to find all the blood types...
=ENT 3x12: Chosen Realm=
Yeesh. Another heavy (compl.) ep.
How do you defend against that? I guess scanning ALL visitors for ALL POSS. explosive mtrl?
It's again clear who this was written against, but it's a deeply appropriate analog for Christian Nationalism today.
=ENT 3x13: Proving Ground=
Shran: 'Oh, please! I don't BELIEVE you'll activate the weapon while it's still within our cargo hold'
Archer: 'No?'
Shran: '...it appears I've made a grave miscalculation'
(Freakin' Andori--no, you know what? Freakin MANAGEMENT, man)
=ENT 3x14: Stratagem=
1) Finally we're getting some movement in this storyline
2) I called everything about the rise of this episode lol "they're still on Enterprise"
3) Fool you once, shame on him. Fool you twice? C'mon man, you JUST learned Humans are good at this.