Overthrowing putin won't make russia collapse. Only the colonised nations will with the support of the rest of the world. But that rest is not much aware of their existence, not to mention of their fight
we are very aware here in the US of whats going on over there, atleast i am. and im terrified of what happens if trump lets the support we are sending die out. putin will not stop at ukraine. and we know it. so we do our best. trump will fuck everything up entirely. i hope the best i really do.
Correct - you are aware. But ask a random person in the US what is Bashqortostan. Don't ask where it is, ask what it is. A Ukrainian would say "sounds like a republic somewhere in russia".
ask an American where Novosibirsk is. i'm likely the only American you will ever meet that knows the answer, probably the only one that can spell it right too.