Want to unlock all premium features in Sticky Widgets? We're giving away a code a day from now for a week as part of #IndieSky!
- follow @stickywidgets.app here (if you're reading this... you might already be!)
- reply with your favorite use of Sticky Widgets or why you should win!
- follow @stickywidgets.app here (if you're reading this... you might already be!)
- reply with your favorite use of Sticky Widgets or why you should win!
MB, look for a direct message with your promo code. Everyone else stays in the pool and I'll spin again tomorrow!
Ahmed, I’ll send you a DM. Another spin coming tomorrow!
I’ll be in your DMs soon! Everyone else is on the spinner for tomorrow!
DM headed your way, see everyone else tomorrow!
Check your DMs shortly, Kris! Everyone else will be on the wheel tomorrow.
Easy to not lose info I want at hand