This distinctive boulder sits below Stanage Edge, near a spring in an open field. The Buckstone has many interesting features, some of which we can make an educated guess about, and others that are just lost to our ancestors. 🧵
First off, you probably noticed these rectangular nooks in the first photo. These are socket holes, and would have supported wooden beams. There are more of these slots are found on the other side of the Buckstone. 🧵
Let's take this information with the Buckstone's wider environmental and cultural context. The boulder sits beside a spring and on the converge of packhorse routes from Stanage Pole and High Neb. The rocks in situ around ol' Bucky could be raised paving (dog included for scale). 🧵
There's a possibility that the Buckstone once served as a homestead, watering hole, or beer-house for weary travellers. However when we climb up the Buckstone things get weirder 🧵