My wife has a pump and I like to give her a hard time about how's she's always connected to her technology and that she acts like she'd die without it.
What actually happens when you go cyber psycho is you constantly hear that Johnny Silverhand theme from Arasaka towers and it’s so badass you can’t help trying to fight everyone
At least you know get more experience with stuff than new T1 kids recently who only get taught pumps (honestly). Timing and lantis suck but it could be worse (at least once you have your *current* ratio under control. (I’m a partner of a T1 and a nanny of T1s not a T1 myself but I’m very involved)
She has been on and off the pump recently but has always loved the Tandem (t-slim, not the mobi which doesn’t have a screen/receiver) and Dexcom g7 (now that they’re out). Obviously depends on circumstances but I hope you’re able to get them soon!
There is no machine in your life you will love AND hate more than your pump. It will beep at the worst times, need replacements, etc. A bastard machine, a miracle of modern science.
So like, do you at least get robo-lungs or rocket launcher arms or is it just the insulin pump? Because that almost seems like a rip off without getting those.
I'm insufferable I know.
David signing up for another cake eating competition:
#arcane #meme