sharing this tip for anyone scared to come out to their closest friends: you can mkultra them
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i love my rave friend he is so clutch. i came out to him by texting him while he was at a rave i didn't go to, timing it so that he would get my text right when his mdma was kicking in, so that it would mkultra him into being nice and more likely to accept my transition right away. i think it worked
Please don't mk ultra your friends. Real friends will just accept your transition, they don't need to be drugged first with weird 70s brain drugs
Please don't MK ultra your friends.
MK ultra yourself instead.
Please do not torture yourself
A lot of people who were mk ultra-ed ended up profoundly disturbed. And that's disturbed in the medical sense. Like they had to be on disability etc
I acted in my own volition, with my own goals and intentions in mind, and I got what I wanted out of it.
Please do not under any circumstances attempt these things unless you are in a clinical setting with total knowledge and training and understanding what you are doing to yourself.
And I get he did it to himself, I was mostly making a joke