He blinks.
“Umm . . . wow.”
Yeah. Wow. So if they just keep going along this timeline . . .
He would lose Loki.
“And those feelings . . . do you have them now?”
“Umm . . . wow.”
Yeah. Wow. So if they just keep going along this timeline . . .
He would lose Loki.
“And those feelings . . . do you have them now?”
Slowly, he releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“I . . . didn’t think you could . . . I didn’t want to hope. That you could feel something for me.”
Why is he so scared of a future without Loki — one that is out there somewhere — when he has them right here?
“I’ve sorta liked you for awhile. Though maybe the Loki folder gave that away,” he adds with a laugh.
“We really get married in the future?”
Sounds kinda nice, if you ask him. Minus Loki getting stuck in a tree.