FYI to Texas Republicans: giving private school vouchers to families will just provide more money to schools that’ll simply just raise their tuition.
Literal welfare for the wealthy… public dollars belong in public schools. Oh, and teachers should get paid more too.
Literal welfare for the wealthy… public dollars belong in public schools. Oh, and teachers should get paid more too.
My husband grew up in a fully segregated town in the South in the 80s & 90s. Part of how they kept it segregated was turning the white school into a private school & every time PoC could afford it they’d raise the tuition. This is still happening, there’s one near us here in rural TX ->
Tuition was raised only for new students, white families unable to afford it were sometimes given a “limited scholarship.” These jim crow throwbacks frequently go by Academy. There’s some dark shit out here, & it’s hard to learn about unless you know to look.
The eugenics crusade had Charles Davenport. He knew how to manipulate the media and attract the support of wealthy patrons to spread his eugenics ideas to powerful politicians..