If you think all of the US sides with criminals you are deluded. That is an insult to the massive support given from a vast sector of our society. It's comments like this that hurt your cause immensely.
Seriously? I don't rule out the possibility that American missiles will fly at me and I'm sure that not all the performers voted for Trump. Moreover, I haven't seen Americans really resist the impending dictatorship of the Trump-Musk Nazis, even during Biden's time.
You said ALL Americans side with rapist murders etc.
There are millions of us supporting you. Many of us in extraordinary ways. We are horrified by the actions of the Fascist Trump regime and are resisting.
You know, I saw exactly the same situation in russia somewhere 12-15 years ago. But in 2014 already 86% of russian residents supported the invasion to Ukraine. That's exactly how almost all of you will be broken in time. Of course, not absolutely ALL, but the majority.
I understand the fact that you have been betrayed. You claimed "all" and now are claiming a majority. You are wrong. We will not be broken. We will defeat the fascist in the White House as well as the one in the Kremlin.
Nah it is just roughly 30% of them still. Once the social security checks bounce it will be every man for himself...This country is toast. The entire system is about to crash and frankly, the right is too helpless to run it without us and none of my friends plan on helping fix it when it does break.
I have been observing the degradation of the entire Western world since about 2010, not only in the US, which used to be a model for others. Why this happened, I don't know. But that's when the propaganda of aggressive management and bullying of "losers" began.
Returned to the Netherlands after leaving in 1990. I saw the same degradation. The American extreme focus on profit (Friedman Doctrine) created a huge gap between the ultra wealthy and the average Jo, leading to envy. This amplified individualism (Me, I) and destroyed the social cohesion.
Yes. But in the Netherlands it is not so much obviously. It's even less in the Nordic countries. The further south, the more. I just say so, because I love Europe and for 30+ years I worked all over the world, mainly in EU companies.
Agree that the changes were relatively subtle in the NL up to now. However, they start to become more visible as many people have trouble making ends meet. That dissatisfaction unfortunately leads to a strong increase in nationalists and isolationists.
Obama wore a tan suit and the world was never the same since...Thanks, Obama :P If you can't laugh all you can do is cry. I would bankrupt my crypto-mining operation all over again just on principle alone for UA, fuck Russia. Blackwater should be working for you guys and for a cheap punishment price
Part of me wants to offer a patriotic rebuttal, what with being an American. The fact is all of us could have done more to stop this. We messed up big time. Now we all have to share the collective guilt.
There are millions of us supporting you. Many of us in extraordinary ways. We are horrified by the actions of the Fascist Trump regime and are resisting.