Since folks are talking ad schedules:
Personally I can definitely recommend switching to 3 minutes/hr of ads. It disables pre-rolls (huge) and the ad money I made went up to about a third of my monthly streaming income. Also it gives you a chance to take a stretch/pour yourself a drink!
Personally I can definitely recommend switching to 3 minutes/hr of ads. It disables pre-rolls (huge) and the ad money I made went up to about a third of my monthly streaming income. Also it gives you a chance to take a stretch/pour yourself a drink!
I'd love it if a 6 min for 2 hours option opened up though.
Are pre-roll ads really that much of a big deal?
No restrictions. And about 100+ hours a month.
So even if I got more from them at MOST I would see maybe 20.
Doesn't force me to stop momentum.
Maybe if my CCV were higher, I'd change course, but anything less than 40 and I don't see it as worth.
that's definitely a valid way of doing it!
my skeleton servant just pops up behind my model and yells "AD!" in my ear really loud which has successfully jump scared me more than once
You can experiment with shorter but at 1.5 every 30 it felt like they were constantly interrupting me
My perspective is that regulars will stick through 3/hr but that prerolls tend to turn away a lot more potential viewers who come in from raids and don't get a chance to hear you greet them or just get jarred by the first thing they see in a channel being an ad to join the Navy etc
Not trying to be argumentative, just I've never seen an ad when raiding into a streamer, but if the page is refreshed for any reason I get slapped into their prerolls at that point.
But I've heard both
Because Twitch is a functional website
and also to make sure they aren't raiding out at the exact same time which somehow happens every time I don't check
Also if folks can't afford to support the person entertaining them then 3 minutes in an hour is very little interruption to put at least put a few cents in their tip jar
I'm taking a piss I'm not even at the computer.
I have (and appreciate!) mostly lurkers, so outside of outliers (like a generous sub gifter) i make more with them on just the standard 3m/hr and prep those w/o subs for them
this is also with me averaging 6-8 viewers daily
this isn't Youtube, after all
In my experience way more people seem to leave out of raids if they get hit with a pre-roll - but there's lots of factors to weigh against each other
but that's literally The Devil at work and hard to account for in one's plans
Now to get it to inform me when it's about to run them...
You can tell Sery_bot to warn you when one is starting in chat
and I use Nutty's ad countdown timer
and also set my streamerbot to yell "AD!" really loud at me
Adding it as a custom dock was super useful in addition to everything else
Still disables prerolls and shorter ads.
But maybe it's too often and gets annoying. Hmm...
And, like, pulling teeth is easier than getting feedback most of the time.
I thinkk mine gets me half of the payout threshhold give or take which, obviosully isn't big bucks but it helps get a consitant payout each month
Will have to experiment a little
(Basically about how the mental load of constant time management does not justify the amount made and the time spent not streaming, in my case)
To me, it doesn't feel like a great trade off for just no preroll ads
I may have to think on that
It's not a ton of money but it's a little extra scratch in the pocket, for sure!
I was warned by Twitch and have to use the Sexual Content tag on my streams, and my Ads TANKED. Literally $2.41 vs the $44.18 prior.
Anyone else have this happen?
But it looks essentialy the same for me, we get pennies to the dollars.
To be fair, I was talking about being knotted by a werewolf, so twitch was right to apply that tag unlike others.