Just a quick lesson from history: The New Deal came about not because the super wealthy and powerful and kind. Instead, they were afraid, very afraid. There had been violence, riots, marches, etc.
The only thing that truly unites us left, right and center is taking on the billionaires. The answer is class warfare. And we outnumber them considerably.
Class is a choice in negative culture. Negative cultures like "gangsters" are bad, but "gangsters" are often desperate for resources they woefully lack. Imagine how society feels about the choice of "being a greedy wealth goblin"? It is a bad culture, whereas Dolly Parton is rich & nobody hates her.
Also can we talk about how stupid of a fucking headline that is. If they really don't want that to happen they should shut the fuck up and just deflect. If there's anything reactionaries love it's doing the opposite of what you tell them they have to do.
If it helps, it's from July and is about British politics; and specifically about Rishi Sunak, former prime minister and longtime rich twat. It's nothing to do with the current zeitgeist.
I went researching this person and to say I'm not surprised is an understatement. Educated at Bute House Prep School (~£17k per year), School of St Helen and St Katherine (~£16k p.y.) and Marlborough College (~£39k p.y.), and is currently residing at the Chevithorne Barton estate in Devon.
You'd have another week or so of something that threatens the ruling class making the headlines, a lot of handwringing and finger waggling about all the people cheering about it, and an inordinate amount of resources being spent trying to find who did it which just amounts to worthless flailing
I highly doubt someone will snitch on modern day robin hood, though I wouldn't be too surprised with how people are now or days.
I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone else takes up the mantle and does it to a different piece of shit CEO. Last I checked, they bagged the wrong guy
All culture wars are subsumed by class war. Without economic standing and stability, we have little footing for higher order discussions. Moreover, we have a universal interest in fighting the wealth consolidators, as they control the social narrative to their advantage.
The same applies to their narrative that taxation is wealth redistribution and that's allegedly bad. But what about the daily wealth redistribution that happens from everyone to the top few percent? That's nothing to see.
Is this the same Warren Buffet who bought Goldman Sachs stock right before the government bailed out AIG (and, thus, Goldman who was relying on insurance they bought from AIG) in 2008? I wonder how he knows these things....hmmmm....
Tell us you'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes without telling us you'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Also, who the fuck are you, Alice? And why should I care?
Ohoho bitch… if you think that will deter or confuse us from toppling your rich asses you got another thing coming. This weak dogo “pweasy be ciwil we rich is pewpl tooo” shit won’t save you.
Bless their hearts. A class war is precisely what is coming. All their blather won’t stop it. There are those on the streets working hard to make the shift from culture war to class war a reality, and soon. They may have reason to be afraid. People with nothing left to lose won’t hesitate to join.
still don't get why they hold so dear to a culture people like them love to drag into whorse and whorse things, american culture always almost had potential and sparked cool stuff.... but that's a big ALMOST, considering politics, urban planning, nationalism, and you know, idolizing ritch people
it's always a simple solution as people are far simpler overall when talking about organizations, the country litterally started as a heaven for european madmen to exploit whatever fuck consequences, FREE... from laws, competition, human rights, that's the og american dream and to me the main root
Nothing says "you're fucked" like having one of your prodigal mouthpiece rentboy Ben Shapiro get ratiod on his own videos by his own fans
I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone else takes up the mantle and does it to a different piece of shit CEO. Last I checked, they bagged the wrong guy
They've been afraid of us realizing who the real enemy is and doing something about it
At this point they’ve won the class war, they just don’t want you paying attention to it.
Also, who the fuck are you, Alice? And why should I care?
A few rolling heads at the billionaire level would be good.