That's basically what happened the first time I played Fable after I was no longer a teenager. I started killing villagers for evil points so I could get those cool horns and immediately felt awful.
I wish more games let you be evil i more diverse ways, rather than just an asshole. More litlefinger/xanatos style manipulation than outright thuggery. I should be able to do an evil playthrough where I get everything I want AND make everyone think I'm the hero.
I once did an evil run. Defiled the Ashes (without Leliana in the party), chose MURDER every chance I got (including Wynne I think), exiled Alistair.
But Dog wasn't killed.
Was a fun Tabris playthrough.
Every time I try to play a bad guy in games that allows me to do so, I always end up making a heel face turn.
Back when I played Star Wars:The Old Republic Online, I always chose the light side options when playing a Sith empire aligned character. Why be a bastard when options exist?
If I ever end up in a Star Wars SAGA campaign I'm intending to play a light sided Sith. Don't ask how because I am not going to spend dozens of posts explaining the actual difference between the Jedi and Sith and how a light sided Sith is possible.
Ok, have to make a screenshot so I can check it later how it went...
(I killed here every time if I had to make a choice that make her sad though.
Dead people canton be sad)
Faut vraiment que j'arrête d'essayer de parler anglais quand je suis crevée.
The worst I can be now is a kleptomaniacal hero.
But Dog wasn't killed.
Was a fun Tabris playthrough.
Back when I played Star Wars:The Old Republic Online, I always chose the light side options when playing a Sith empire aligned character. Why be a bastard when options exist?
Because Disney sucks and the Expanded Universe is what I regard to be canon.