My wife and I finally started a rewatch and we're in the Zoe era of the show. We've been rewatching from the perspective of Ted being an unreliable narrator. We both originally watched the show as friends and the final season came out the year we started dating. Lily is awful, Ted not too far behind
i do lowkey find it funny that so many people can agree lily and ted are the worst when you have Walking Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Barney on the show lmao
You know what you get with Barney. Ted is the worst kind of person. One of those assholes who thinks they are romantic and nice. And each one of their attempts makes you hate romance because something about how they do it makes you feel more bad about yourself than loved.
I've seen some videos discussing that Barney isn't "real" per se. Like he's a legit "character" not a person. Add this to the theory of Ted being an unreliable narrator. Barney definitely has some huge misses but some of his badness may be embellishments by Ted who doesn't get why so many women want
Barney, or don't. He also seems to strike out a lot. My wife, a born and raised Brooklynite, also talks about how she thinks the women being "tricked" by Barney have actually have had their agency removed by Ted's low key misogynistic mind. She thinks that these women know EXACTLY what Barney is
When Marshall is sad that his student loans from law school are keeping them from getting a mortgage and the whole time she knows it is her secret credit card debt and is hiding it from him! 💔