This had been, objectively, the prettiest (and longest blooming pollinator haven) garden in the neighborhood.
This is what it looks like when you have spent the past year and a half being harassed, threats made on your life, and your property repeatedly garden attacked and vandalized by a bully.
This is what it looks like when you have spent the past year and a half being harassed, threats made on your life, and your property repeatedly garden attacked and vandalized by a bully.
Except for the neighbour who literally ran out the previous owners (and it's heading that way with me, I can't do this anymore). The one who *literally* has made enemies of everyone.
But I'm the problem. So my garden go bye.
The countless hours I've spent taking those seeds and turning them into beauty. The middle of the night greenhouse runs to keep them from frost. Only for this.
Coming a meter into the garden to kill mature shrubs and trees. So this went in to prevent that.. He's sprayed pesticides, ripped up, trespassed
Me telling him to, you know, not trespass, vandalize, and literally destroy my property isn't the problem.
Him doing it is.
So, I wash my hands of it.
I'm done.