It’s a small detail. (Missed talking to you btw.) I don’t know if you saw my For Tinu post but you really did help save my life and I have never thanked you for it. I was at a really low point when I met you online and being introduced to the disability community helped to save my life.
tinu you are in the hearts and minds of so many! we've all seen what you've done over the years. how wonderful to get a reply like this about a specific in which you helped! love you tinu. hi sarah.
sarah we are grateful for this interaction so recently. she heard directly from you how important she was to you in helping keep you alive. we are sad she is gone. we are grateful she touched so many lives and brought together so many all over disability socials. 🫂
Thank you. I pinned it, it is my first pin, so I never lose track of it. I was grateful that she saw it, was able to reply to me and knew what she meant to me. I think I would have been even more saddened than I am now if ahe had never known.
I’m behind on posts will you leave the link here? So I can respond properly? This sort of made my day?