You can't resist authoritarianism by continually defending the system and institutions and leaders that painstakingly laid the foundation for authoritarianism and then helped it birth into the world.
Authoritarianism forces opposition into becoming conservative and it is historically self-defeating
Authoritarianism forces opposition into becoming conservative and it is historically self-defeating
Our founders were horrible people They wrote flowery words on paper. All that trump the Republicans the democrats are doing is restoring the country and the system to their factory settings Genocide slavery exploitation landtheft and no rights for anyone but the rich
Because they like how things are and would rather we shut up.
You're a light of knowledge, but here's the list.
Start talking about what we SHOULD have. How things SHOULD be. The antidote to authoritarianism is a better, more human alternative.
This is an observable cycle and historically proven. Give up on those failures and find something better.
However .. when life is good we get complacent. When life is tough we get involved. Perhaps the cycle of complacency is my only exception.
That said ..
These cumulative events have destroyed all of your ideals
Otherwise it was a good system
He's a symptom of a larger disease, as is the present oligarchical coup. You either face that fact or you're doomed to watch it worsen.
Antithesis is overcome by synthesis.
You don't defeat Trumpism by pretending the old world ought to be preserved.
You defeat Trumpism by making HIM the old world that we are moving past. You take what's working for him, you co-opt it, and you defeat him with it.
We're in a class war and unless people recognize that and stop wishing for the past that got us here it is only going to get worse.
1) if you have any investments in Wall Street, divest and seek out the alternative investment community like Lift Economy, Next Egg, etc. Support or start efforts in your community to create a public bank for your region.
2) join your local DSA, support Workers Strike Back
Whatever comes next will have to be built on top of the rubble.