Trump is not an aberration. He's the logical outcome of a system of intentional inequality, brutality, managed democracy, and unchecked capitalist exploitation.
He's a symptom of a larger disease, as is the present oligarchical coup. You either face that fact or you're doomed to watch it worsen.
He's a symptom of a larger disease, as is the present oligarchical coup. You either face that fact or you're doomed to watch it worsen.
Antithesis is overcome by synthesis.
You don't defeat Trumpism by pretending the old world ought to be preserved.
You defeat Trumpism by making HIM the old world that we are moving past. You take what's working for him, you co-opt it, and you defeat him with it.
We're in a class war and unless people recognize that and stop wishing for the past that got us here it is only going to get worse.
1) if you have any investments in Wall Street, divest and seek out the alternative investment community like Lift Economy, Next Egg, etc. Support or start efforts in your community to create a public bank for your region.
2) join your local DSA, support Workers Strike Back
3) politically engage with or help build a progressive third party such as the Greens, PSL, Revolutionary Workers Party
4) learn about worker cooperatives
5) see resources at
Video at
Your actions only work in overwhelming numbers, so reach out and activate others -- I guess that makes us evangelists ;-)
Finally, we must take of ourselves so we are fit to fight.
See you on the barricades!
i don't like leftists whose only prescription is that the common prescriptions aren't good enough. we live under intense incentives. you HAVE to offer an alternative.