You’ve missed the point though. Supporting an abusive billionaire who is bent on harming his workers and our planet while bending the knee to a fascist isn’t worth saving $4 to me. I guess you have to decide what you’re willing to sell your soul for.
"Candi Castleberry, Amazon’s VP of inclusive experiences and technology, said the company has been “winding down outdated programs and materials” related to its efforts around representation and inclusion. Question for Amazon. If the policies are outdated why not update them? Why eliminate them?
Well I mean it has been a few years since the Black Lives Matter riots tore cities apart and large companies made lots of pledges. Guess they figure it's all good now. 😂
Cancel your Amazon account. I did. And I’m saving money just buying stuff at the local stores. I buy less because I shop only once a week. And it is mostly cheaper. Stop buying things you can easily buy around town in deliveries.
That's exactly how it is. The more they talk about values, the less they actually have. Often pure whitewashing. Similar to the topic of sustainability. Especially these super-capitalistic tech companies don't care about anything as long as a few billionaires can get even richer.
Many companies will publicly announce this but secretly continue it because racism and bigotry costs $. They’re trying to damage control both maga nuttiness and cancel culture that Starbucks and McDonald’s suffers from.
So it’s up to the individual to make a choice of whether to support these companies based on convenience or to discontinue their services based on convictions. You choose.
In half a century people will be watching documentaries which show how each domino fell into place which caused the huge disaster/world war/end of America as we know it, wherever the fuck all of this is going. Much like my generation sat down to watch 'The Nazis, a warning from history'.
In stone ways it's good that the fake performance is over. It was pretty cringe to see them wrap themselves in gay pride colours in the west but not in their Asian subsidiaries.
You're not alone.
Wait till they cancel the "E" as well.