I feel like it would be missing something without Whedon, but at the same time given the revelations about him.. Dolly Parton’s involvement feels WILD haha - I’m up for giving it the benefit of the doubt.
Everything is a reboot these days 🙄
I think “soft reboot” is the term where the original continuity is maintained with some original cast at some level but with a broadly new bunch of characters. TBH that’s actually much more what the word reboot actually means now I’ve just come to think about it🤔
Big Buffy fan here. Maybe the biggest (I can recite the entire episode of “Once More, with Feeling” from memory)… but are Hulu’s writers so devoid of new ideas, or/and the money so risk averse, that we have to resort to reboots and minor derivatives of well-established tropes?
One of my favorite dramatic moments on TV is when Buffy realizes that Willow has brought her back from the grave and then asks her"Did you think I was in Hell?".
Don't bring it back
Kinda weird that SMG is involved considering she hasn't been involved in anything Buffy related since the end of Season 6. She didn't even voice Buffy in the Season 7 live action comic or reprise her role in the recent Spike podcast thing.
I think “soft reboot” is the term where the original continuity is maintained with some original cast at some level but with a broadly new bunch of characters. TBH that’s actually much more what the word reboot actually means now I’ve just come to think about it🤔
Don't bring it back
I'll see you in Hell!