Combat in Trails and MegaTen games (like Metaphor, don't @ me) have completely different philosophies.
Getting hit in Daybreak means losing a bit of health, but there's little consequence to that, since healing is cheap and EP abundant. At worst you have to trek back to the entrance to refresh.
Getting hit in Daybreak means losing a bit of health, but there's little consequence to that, since healing is cheap and EP abundant. At worst you have to trek back to the entrance to refresh.
If an enemy gets the jump on you in Metaphor, you better believe you're in for at bad time. Even if you survive, you've probably taken a lot of damage and burned through more resources than if you had the advantage.
But my issue is that it mostly just takes one lucky hit from an enemy to ambush you. My dodging is frankly not good enough to never get hit.
You might lose som health, but can otherwise keep up your pace.
Expending too many resources can even mean that you can't complete the dungeon in that day, meaning lasting consequences for your playthrough.
Those frustrating moments are saved by a very very generous autosave!
I still think Daybreak is pretty cool even with the simplicity, it feels very good to control overall.