I started Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse in my homie's Wii, and I wanted to continue with the PC port. It's the same game but it has a very drastic difference in lighting engine (I think it uses FF5's port as a basis?).
So it looks a bit different (left: original, right PC port).
So it looks a bit different (left: original, right PC port).
1 / 2
1) the brightness
2) the blue tint
Additionally I would say the bloom is another issue but for reasons I'll get to later, I'm gonna ignore it for now.
Too bad it also affects the menus, but until someone more apt than me finds a better solution, I think I'm good.
You can remove both it and the blue fog that the game adds with this mod. But let's say improvements aren't as clear-cut. https://www.nexusmods.com/fatalframemaskofthelunareclipse/mods/9?tab=description