Strong men support their women ( wife and daughters), admit when they’re wrong, cry, kiss their kids in public no matter their age, and always puts family first.
Truth there, all of the NON Voters you are weak pieces of shit. You have not earned the right to complain or speak for that matter about anything for the next 4 years.
You all helped to get this fucking Felon back into the white house where he does not belong.
Wouldn’t it be better if strong women didn’t scare weak men? Better if strong men and weak men could accept strong women and be thankful for their existence. What a world that would be!
Boycott CNN January 19 and 20. There has to be a show of force to let legacy media know that there is power in numbers.
Looking for millions of people to shut off CNN cable, streaming and Sirius. If results get traction, look to expand these actions.
Strong women scare men because they are smarter and more stable than men. Sorry I am a man and I have learned this over the last 50 years. Men think with there testosterone… IM THE KING ATTITUDE. Women use logic and common sense.
Raised by a single mom in a female household. Have a wife and daughter. Have sheltered female aunts and cousins in need.
The more strong women the better!
Do know, women were often pushed by men. When you put someone into a hard state, they will harden in time. Perhaps that's the reason why groups of women distaste towards men.
While the men who get all the joy like the billionaires, they grow weak in the process. That is how women became strong.
No they don’t. That’s a comical myth. Real Ben appreciate confidence and strength. But Harris is incredibly weak so not a good poster child for your ill guided intent.
She was a fighter. And more people didn’t vote at all then any candidate did. She just scared all the weak kneed people who couldn’t get off their couch to vote.
She did fight hard. You’re right. She is an excellent example of courage. We certainly do have our share of brave and gutsy women. I’m really proud of and inspired by each of them. But Kamala holds a very special place in my heart. I am grateful for the hope she gave us.
True, kinda... I'm not certain that a male adult human who is afraid of women is manly. Intelligent women are fascinating to converse with, their viewpoints are more subtle than men's, and they are generally more articulate.
She lost due to bidens crew changing her message and hid Walz; it turned off so many voters I've talked to locally
From hope to nope
As a progressive its just disgusting to see the constant greedy stalling and sudden message change from the dems
I mean the cheynes (I think this sealed her loss)?
STRONG WOMEN ARE .. frankly very.. and STRONG MEN.. appreciate them as friends...lovers... colleagues.. and equals... pass it on.. weak fucks are intimidated by them... Were NOT.
You all helped to get this fucking Felon back into the white house where he does not belong.
Looking for millions of people to shut off CNN cable, streaming and Sirius. If results get traction, look to expand these actions.
Trump did not win. He cheated with the help of Putin and Musk.
Trump is disqualified for instigating an insurrection against our country.
Strong women also scare weak women.
What’s the point here? 🤔
Uppity Itch
The more strong women the better!
While the men who get all the joy like the billionaires, they grow weak in the process. That is how women became strong.
even one is too many.
Move on
They turn into Turtles.
Please hang around Kamala & Liz. We need ya’ll !
Strong men respect and appreciate that strong women can lead, problem solve, and show grit to get things done.
From hope to nope
As a progressive its just disgusting to see the constant greedy stalling and sudden message change from the dems
I mean the cheynes (I think this sealed her loss)?
Search it up