Absolutely. None of this is a surprise. We warned the MAGAs over and over again. Project 25 was readily available for those of us who cared to read it.
The only surprise is how quickly Musk and his minions have slashed government agencies.
Repubs passed the 'Backdoor Budget' (bend over). VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
As Long as I live I never understand what created so stupid evil American White Supremacy voters and how the hell do they Think we outside the MAGA boble See Them. They are weird
Scary weird zombies from hell
Go away
Exactly. It's the enablers, grifters, con artists who come up with this crap. Trump isn't even capable of thinking up these things, he signs executive orders as he learns about what they are in real time. He showed everyone who he is and people still chose him. He has still just remained the same
He often told the story of the “Old Woman and the Snake” at his rallies and no one caught on that he was projecting.
They knew he was a snake when they took him in. Shameful.
The only surprise is how quickly Musk and his minions have slashed government agencies.
Scary weird zombies from hell
Go away
Too many Americans have shit for brains and that's not going to change in 2028
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They knew he was a snake when they took him in. Shameful.
Slava Ukrainii!
Democrats have historically done well when in power, but they are in the minority in Congress
Congressional Republicans are in power right now, and can make change
If you want change, call your Republicans
That U.S. Congressional switchboard number is