You know I took a Tolkien class, and it gave me an appreciation for a world I’d never read before. Even though it’s still not my cup of tea, I can still acknowledge the dedication and thought put into Tolkien’s world. One Piece and Tolkien are both great works of fiction…
It’s just they’re different stories with different styles. Different kinds of world building based off the author’s knowledge and aspirations. Tolkien was a linguist, an academic and it shows. Oda is more in touch with ppl and politics, Tolkien was openly against political messages in his stories
Tolkien created a world you could escape to and feel like a child again. Oda created a world that encourages the reader to be inspired and to embrace that everyone has a right to total freedom. Tolkien’s core theme is adventure, One Piece’s core theme is freedom. Different, but both amazing 🩷