What a shame. Now we have US tax payers propping up cryptocurrencies. This is one of the biggest grifts of all time.
No matter how many times this happens, these stupid people continue to fall for it.
I have zero sympathy.
By doing so, they're integrating the US economy into a larger transnational dark economy - the one that does not answer to banks, governments, international institutions - as its most valuable asset. It's a tectonic global shift.
IMO, more claims of economic integration is another hype train to pull in more idiots to lose money.
It just stinks of scam.
And now, based on what you're saying, even less accountability for dramatic sums of money.
However, now more than ever, I feel that relying on the good nature of others isn't sustainable at the highest levels.
Oh yeah… republicans won’t still won’t convict in a third impeachment and SCOTUS will say “but, he’s the president”
Stop talking to Trump, Musk is the MAN.
Increasing its value again would eat into his profits.
He is boosting one’s that they have their own investments in.
If Trump understood Bitcoin he would try to ban it, but he doesn't.
The things those coins give up to be carbon neutral now make them useless.
What do you think Bitcoin has that alternatives lack?
And all other coins are centralized in some way.
These notes are created out of thin air and dont appear to have proper backing.
Our current financial system is a blatant grift and you complain as someone tries to remedy this?
Doesn't mean this isn't evidence of some massive crimming though.
Seems like this should be bigger news.
Maybe that's why it is happening while the President is yelling at an ally.
It's only there to milk the money from his cult the people who can't afford it.
It's a Ponzi scheme, but they keep giving and that's a cult.
None so blind as those who will not see
He wants to destabilize currency so he can complete his Russian handover
Someone should run ads in every red district losing federal offices explaining where the money went.
Money with morals is possible.
Communism: goal, the creation of a socioeconomic order centered on common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in society based on need.
regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition
Communism has nothing to do with Trump and his oligarch billionaire enablers.
Also, Nazis.
Do the people who write these things actually check before publishing?
I observed a dip and a recovery.
I suspect this is going to be the kernel for a black swan event like a champ.