"Ah, thank you Isaac. What kind of apple is it? Honeycrisp? Gala? Fuji?"
Isaac silently holds up a sign that reads, "Pink Lady".
Flint explodes out of the apple and shouts, "Wanna hear my rendition of 'Pepper Keibu'?"
Mentioned apple varieties or ancient Jpop groups?
Sorry to have missed the stream, but can imagine y'all going through apple varieties like you did mushroom types during the omelette stream.
I missed my opportunity to talk about ancient Jpop groups aaaa. And don't apologize. I'm surprised to see you heard about the mushrooms from that previous stream haha. Thank you for your time!
More than heard about it, I was there. Just not logged in and had it playing while doing dishes and who knows what else. I appreciate witnessing the process when it is done in such an engaging way.
Isaac silently holds up a sign that reads, "Pink Lady".
Flint explodes out of the apple and shouts, "Wanna hear my rendition of 'Pepper Keibu'?"
Sorry to have missed the stream, but can imagine y'all going through apple varieties like you did mushroom types during the omelette stream.
(this looks wonderful)