not all Conservatives support this. Just so ya know. If he's guilty let the process play out and crucify him. Until then, I assume he's innocent, like a true American would, until proven guilty.
I'd like to hear some stories about poor maga-idiots who've had their bank accounts cleaned out by this constant trump grift. Now they cannot afford the petrol to get their riding mower down to the gas station for their daily 12 pack (it will be a 10 pack next month) of fine Cerveza Mexicana.
Hint: they are donating of course they are just like last time there will be a news report saying what happened The seniors will get mad, but they won’t do anything about it and then they’ll vote for republicans again because you know they don’t care they want to complain but like I said don’t care.
I firmly believe there needs to be a public display of all their emails outlining the problematic language they contain.
I signed up for DJTs email list years ago and it was literally just cult propaganda. It's difficult to accept that millions of people receive them and it really isn't challenged.
Of course his book is on the NYT bestseller list with the requisite asterisk due to bulk orders placed by right wing nut job groups. The grift is perpetual.
I do actually sort of get some perverse satisfaction that his awful supporters are getting ripped off. It’s a chronic grift among all of MAGA and the supporters are continuing willing marks
didn’t Trump have to reimburse a bunch of senior citizens who thought they were making a one time donation because you had to uncheck the box to make it a one time donation and they didn’t realize that until their bank accounts were empty?
There is a psychological term called schizo fascists / schizo fascism in maga GOP where current GOP members call us anti fascists who are against fascism,the fascists. That’s why they fear monger about him not being appointed because the real truth is our nation will be done great harm if he is.
The whole of conservatism at this point is an epic grift—enabled by an army of dumb, furious, propaganda-fed water-carriers. They’ve let the Nazis in and are cheering them on. JFC.
Seems like he’s throwing out these random names not to get them confirmed but to get them a quick grift for colluding with him in pushing out his provably false statements & beliefs before the election to convince as many Americans as possible that his lies were truth, a false narrative. Payback and accusing someone else of “grift” is just the Chef’s Kiss. Talk about lack of self awareness. 😂
Did anyone expect something different than the whole Trump grift clown show. It's stunning the number of people who fall for this stuff. It almost makes you wonder if religion has always just been about money and power 🤔
🎶 Sex-u-al abusers make me scream,
🎶 The grift goes on,
🎶 The grift goes on …
How dare you mock the grift
I signed up for DJTs email list years ago and it was literally just cult propaganda. It's difficult to accept that millions of people receive them and it really isn't challenged.
There. I fixed the story.
The grift is strong with these people