On the latest Pull Up, AU season 4 champion Maddy Siegrist joined us to chat about her record-setting performance down in Nashville. We also talked new-look Wings, the Nova Knicks, and how her family fills out our favorite postgame bar after games in Brooklyn. Links below 🔗 ⬇️
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1o7vhrzZ55NJYHZA4JJcWK?si=S8xMCYoJRR29xp0cYZZuFw
Apple Pods: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pull-up-with-myles-and-owen/id1669995145?i=1000698095211
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ghv4b3Kg1ME?si=t0Fj70GfVhvsgXAO