I remember watching it in Japan in 4D, with my elementary school skills at the time I understood almost nothing.. but all the smoke and water and stuff they threw at you was awesome. 😂
This is fantastic!
My son is obsessed with Godzilla, has been since he was about 4 and saw Godzilla v Gigan. We love Shin Godzilla at our house. I found this shin vignette on our kitchen table this spring. I had to document it. I'm going to show him your work!
I did laugh maybe a bit too much at the boat's name. "Glory Maru"
Maru is often the name of boats, a la the the Kobayashi Maru, but it's also... Circle, or, a round thing, and I'm a dirty person so I thought they named the boat "the glory hole"
My son is obsessed with Godzilla, has been since he was about 4 and saw Godzilla v Gigan. We love Shin Godzilla at our house. I found this shin vignette on our kitchen table this spring. I had to document it. I'm going to show him your work!
Maru is often the name of boats, a la the the Kobayashi Maru, but it's also... Circle, or, a round thing, and I'm a dirty person so I thought they named the boat "the glory hole"
Lol! I'm still laughing today.