Skateparks are the fourth most used recreation space in terms of total weekly use hours. They are more popular than sports fields, play areas, fitness zones and dog parks when comparing the total weekly use hours.
Reposted from
Steve Flack
Sounds dope.
It’s a park! It should be used! People having fun at a park make a lil noise!
The group which made it happen: a coalition of high school democrats chapters plus anarchist punks we recruited to join.
Built a true left/lib inside/outside collation when I was 13 and never looked back LOL.
Getting public funds and public land repurposed was already such a big win circa 2003 that we didn’t complain when the city council refused.
Ironically, I went there like one time after it was built, skated for 2 minutes, decided it was for posurs and left to go play emo music in my garage band, or maybe knock on doors for a proto-urbanist state senate candidate LOL
what a weirdo I was