You're all amazing, thank you!!
-Like + RP + Follow (new OK) to enter
-Comment a character/OC! (Optional)
-1 winner (per platform) gets a full-body illustration! (If a sum of 131 RPs is reached, +1 in general)
Ends on 29/11, 12PM GMT
Good luck!!💙
You're all amazing, thank you!!
-Like + RP + Follow (new OK) to enter
-Comment a character/OC! (Optional)
-1 winner (per platform) gets a full-body illustration! (If a sum of 131 RPs is reached, +1 in general)
Ends on 29/11, 12PM GMT
Good luck!!💙
If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit more about her?
Thank you for participating, and good luck!!
I see, I see, thanks for telling me more!! I love knowing more about others' characters, thank you very much, I appreciate it!!(つ≧▽≦)つ💙
Also shoot me a dm if I win because I still haven't chosen a character yet.
Of course, I'll make sure to notify you if you do!
Ah, thank you...🥹😭💙
I just want to give everyone a chance to get some drawings of whatever character they want, I wish I could draw everyone's favorites more often, but it's very time consuming...。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
And it's basically tradition now ehe
I was about to put Maho but she was already picked so why not Nilou instead?
And good luck to you too!! Make sure to do it on twitter too if you want another chance!!
It's alright if you pick a duplicate character, but our girl Nilou is a very wonderful choice too!!
Of course, if you do win, you can always change your mind!!
And they look adorable together aaaaaa, so cuuuuuuteeeeeeee!!!(つ≧▽≦)つ💙
If you're okay with it, could you tell me more about her? (Or both!)
Good luck, thanks for participating!! And if you have twitter, make sure to participate there too for a second chance!!
(ty for reminding me about the bird app!)
Oho? She's very intriguing then hehe! A godly power behind those wings... That's so awesome!! And she definitely looks quite confident in herself hehe >:3
My pleasure! If I'm gonna do this, I want to give everyone as many chances as I can!
Good luck dude!! Make sure to participate over on twitter too for a second chance!!
Even after the raffle ends, if you want to show them to me, I'd be more than glad to hear more about them!!💙
Meet my little dorky Warrior of Light, Meoshi!
Simply a super adorable cutie🙏
Oh,btw, If it comes to it, I could always grab that unobtained legwear and adapt it manually, don't worry hehe!!
here's to another 3 years of thisisrals \owo,
You've drawn my OC plenty of times. So would be interesting to see you do Princess Tutu or Kraehe fanart in your style :3
We serve the funny book fairy and her 3s, histy my beloved🙏
Yeah hehe, I wanna keep doing awesome artworks for everyone!!🥹🥹
Oho, some very nice choices hehe, maybe it's an excuse to watch it again 🤭
Good luck Yitsu!!💙
Is she yours? And if you don't mind, could you tell me a bit more about her?
Good luck!!💙 If you have Twt, make sure to participate over there too for another chance!!
She's a teasing and playful kitsune who enjoys lounging around, playing light pranks, and a little bit of teasing.
She sounds like such a wonderful character hehe, I like her a lot!!🙏💙
And once more, good luck to you too!!💙
Good luck, thanks for participating!!💙 And if you still have twitter, make sure to do it over there too if you want a second chance!!
Ty for the gl!
Hehe, no worries!!(つ≧▽≦)つ💙
Good luck, and thank you for participating!! If you still have twitter, make sure to participate there too for a second chance!!💙
Thank you for participating, and good luck!! If you still have twitter, make sure to try your chances there too!
She's still as pretty as ever too hehe(つ≧▽≦)つ💙
Good luck my guy!!
Good luck!!💙 If you want, you can also participate on twitter too for a second chance!
Good luck!!
Waaaaa, she's so adorableeeeee!!!🥺🥺
Super good design!! If you don't mind, could you tell me more about her?
She's a bit of a chuuni girl who specializes in ice magic, and works part-time at a local ice cream parlor. Headstrong and knowledgeable in the dark arts, but a bit clumsy and ignorant when it comes to more common senses
Ooooh I see I see!! She just sounds so awesome!!!╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯💙
Thanks for telling me more about her!!
Wait, can we apply once in each platform?! (If not then okay, I won't try to exploit it)
Good luck!!💙
Oh, absolutely, please do participate in both, that'd make me happy!! Though you can only win one of them, not both, it'll be 3 distinct winners
Already said this on twitter but ye reminded me about blue sky too so wanted to increase my odds
Good luck once more!!
Good luck!!(つ≧▽≦)つ💙
Waaaaa, he looks so good!!! He's wonderful!! If you're okay with it, could you tell me a bit more about him?
Good luck, thanks for participating!! If you have Twt, make sure to participate there too for a second chance!!
his name is ube and he’s a wizard who is studying enchantment with an optimistic, but naive mindset of fighting people’s inner demons (they physically manifest in his vision)
he is bright, but still could use more experience
Thank you for telling me more, I appreciate it!!╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
Regardless, i think it's fine yes! Thank you for participating, and good luck!! If you want to, make sure to participate over on Twt too for a second chance!!💙
You'd have to give me some general guidance, since you're the one that knows the character best, but it should be enough for me to work with!!
As you can imagine, I'm not really familiar with LoL, so could you tell me more about her, if you don't mind?
It might be best to leave those for if you win, and then decide to change your submission, which is completely fine btw
Good luck!! And make sure to participate over on twitter too if you want another chance at winning!
Even so, I wish you good luck!!
(该原创角色隶属《英魔帝国》(Yingmo Empire))
After thinking about it ......
Decided to use this OC: Teyi.
(This OC is affiliated with Yingmo Empire)
That said, I humbly submit Best Girl Maho™️ as a tribute.
Hehe thank you so much!!🥹🥹
Being with you all is something I'll always be grateful for, you're all so awesome!!😭😭😭
Hehe, that submission is definitely getting accepted🤭😤🙏
Good luck!!💙
Oh, and make sure to do it on twt too for another shot at it!
Congratulations on your third anniversary. I'm joining this raffle 🤩
I'll leave my other bab....girl
Thank you very much for participating!!💙
Oh I am very much interested on those beautiful thighs and chest uehehe🤤🤤🤤😳
Could you tell me more about them? If you don't mind of course!
Thanks for participating!! Good luck!!
A very ambitious goal hehe, and yet, she seems to have pulled it off!! That's so awesome!!💙
She deserves all the love, and then some💙
Good luck once again!! Thank you for participating in both, and welcome hehe!!