This isn’t the most eloquent way to express it, but thank fuck for the arts
Thank fuck for books
Thank fuck for drawing and painting
Thank fuck for movies
Thank fuck for video games
Thank fuck for all the creatives out there who will help us cope the next 4 years whether by escapism or a rally cry
Thank fuck for books
Thank fuck for drawing and painting
Thank fuck for movies
Thank fuck for video games
Thank fuck for all the creatives out there who will help us cope the next 4 years whether by escapism or a rally cry
our materials etc are not free, our time is not infinite, food is expensive, and stress (especially financial!) reduces artistic output
I will be playing many video games, watching many movies, listening to songs, writing poetry, and seeing the hellscape approach me from the south. Support our creators, especially our North American and refugee ones.
I had a theatre history professor who said, "History tells us how people lived. Art history tells us how they felt about how they lived."
That statement has stayed with me.
So one can paint a lovely picture or off a CEO...
I'll allow it anyway since I have heard it before.
As a creative of 15+ years, whose been out of work for 3 years... I really needed this today.
Been feeling like I failed; to protect everyone, by keeping them safe from what's coming, and like what I do is no longer important or helpful in light of that... thank you for the reminder.
It’s not surprising—despite being a bit tragic—that some of the best art whether it be books, music, paintings, etc. is created during difficult times. It’s our light. Our hope. Our protest songs! All of it!!
So if you’re an artist please be a rebel and create!!!
and we gotta keep creating it
Music has always been—and always will be—my emotional venting of choice. Laugh it out, sing it out, cry it out, mosh it out, dance it out, scream it out LOOOUUUUD
I have no doubt music has kept me alive at my worst points. I don't know what I'd do without it.
yes yes yes! I guess a silver lining/hope of mine is that people will find creative outlets and bring out lots of color, or thoughts, and I can only get excited for how much I'll be immersed in all the art I can ingest 💜✨
Here’s the link:
Thanks so much for checking it out!